Metaphysical Dictionary
Astro Sign: All Agates are grounding stones, bringing about an emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. They aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy, and impart a sense of courage. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Aquarius, Virgo Ajoite is a stone for the Self, bringing peace and harmony to the user. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Sagittarius Agates are grounding stones, bringing about an emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. They aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy, and impart a sense of courage. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Aquarius Encourages one to action, eliminating the fear of the unknown while supporting personal power through change. Stimulates clarity, confidence and resolution while providing insight to certainty of purpose. Provides a connection with the higher self and helps user interpret their psychic experiences. |
Chakras |
Birthstone: June Astro Sign: Gemini and Scorpio Aligns and balances the mental, emotional and etheric bodies. Aids in creativity and manifestation. Helps one realize the importance of having strong boundaries while keeping a loving heart and connection to the universe. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Virgo Soothes and rejuvenates the chakras particularly the heart and throat. Aids in communications concerning love. Attunes user to the spiritual dimension while transcending the chaos of everyday life. Helps user access the divine harmony of universal love and retain that light throughout their path. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Leo, Aquarius Helps user realize choice. Past or present choices can be looked at without judgement but with the knowledge that each day one can choose to walk the path of divine light and love. Aids in manifesting desires into reality and transforms negative energy into positive energy. |
Chakras |
Birthstone: February Astro Sign: Aquarius, Libra Helps user achieve higher states of awareness by cutting through the illusion of this plane. Promotes healing, inspiration, divine love, and intuition. Has strong protective as well as calming qualities. Can help free the self from addictions. |
Chakras |
Birthstone: February Astro Sign: Aquarius, Libra Stabalizes energies and helps one free themself of addictive patterns or behaviors. Aids in maintaining spiritual contentment, soothes and protects. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Libra Natural combination of amethyst and citrine and promotes the qualities of each. Releases emotional blockages, dispels negativity. Balances and stabilizes while providing spiritual insight. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Virgo Andalusite can be used to promote viewing the different facets of one's character and one's emotional , physical and intellectual being. It is also a stimulant to memory and recollection. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Leo Allows for the transference of ideas, information, and emotions. Helps to stabilize mental, physical, emotional systems bringing order to chaos. Promotes objective detached reasoning where beneficial. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Aquarius Angelite enhances one's perception of and connection to their own inner guidance and celestial influences. It enhances creativity, communication, and self expression. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Gemini, Pisces and Capricorn Stimulates intellect while promoting the realization that ones true strength comes only through love and spirituality. Helps to dissolve negativity and balances the chakras. Awakens the inner self. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Libra, Gemini Helps one to recognize truth in all situations and act upon it. Prompts the user to look within and realize that universal love and perfection is the only natural state of being. Aids in self analysis and reflection, allowing for the user to recognize and correct deficient behavior and will help provide a loving energy during these times of change. |
Chakras |
Birthstone: March Astro Sign: Pisces, Gemini and Aries Promotes courage during times of healing and self exploration. Helps the user reach a more spiritual level of awareness while enhancing their connection with their higher self. Simplifies the information resulting from ones exploration of the complexities of the self. Carries a compassionate, gentle energy brings tolerance to those who are judgmental and order to those overcome by too much responsibility. Stimulates, cleanses and activates the throat chakra. Enabling user to communicate more clearly especially thoughts of love. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Capricorn Aids in the focusing and centering of ones energy especially during times of anger, stress, or while preparing to meditate. Helps one remain connected and in communication with the universe while dealing with the issues and obstacles of this plane. Enhances patience, direction and self discipline. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Scorpio Astrophyllite can help bring to life hidden forces and to show one that as the door closes, another door opens. It also assists in absoving one from responsibility and in purging from one's life that which shuold be eliminated. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Aquarius Aurichalcite is a protective stone that encourages stability and fearlessness. This stone encourages finesse in social situations, helping one to be in harmony with their inner selves and with life, as a result. This stone re-balances the aura and helps one to be original and to be one with the Eternal self. |
Aventurine: Aries Protects, clears and activates the heart. Shields the heart chakra against energy vampires-those who steal the energy of another for their own use. Balances the male/female energies and aligns the emotional, physical, and etheric bodies. Enhances creativity, leadership, and helps one be decisive. When used in healing rituals this stone bathes the user in love with helping them realize the true love and light of the universe. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Sagitarius Aligns chakras, dissolving energy blockages while controlling the energy flow allowing only for the necessary amount of required energy to be used. Aids in decision making while helping to eliminate any nagging worries or fears by simply asking for the evaporation of the hindering thoughts while holding the stone. A stone of truth, it can help one focus their intuitive energy in order to recover memories or experiences that must be acknowledged and released in order for the user to continue unimpeded on their healing path. Enhances the creative energy, lovingly guiding the user with ways to further ones talents. |
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Astro Sign: Sagitarius and Capricorn This stone exhibits the properties of azurite and malachite individually as well as having additional healing properties. Aids in meditation, guiding the user to explore the innermost depths of the mind, without fear, breaking free from its restraints and experiencing a rebirth into the divine light and love of the universe. Assists in dispelling arrogance, conceit, vanity and fear, replacing it with a loving concoction to a higher state of being instead of the deceptive state of living via the ego. |
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Astro Sign: Aquarius Barite is an excellent stone for use in the healing of the earth. It produces incentive to 'go for' ones dreams without restraint. It enhances friendship, harmony, and love, and can provide independence and motivation. |
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Black Tourmaline
Birthstone: October Astro Sign: Libra and Capricorn Black Tourmaline can be used to repel and protect against negativity. It acts to protect one from being victimized by the negative energy of others. It furthers the awakening of altruism and enhances practicality in creativity. |
Chakras |
Birthstone: March Astro Sign: Aries, Pisces and Libra Considered a stone of courage and intense healing. |
Blue Opal
Birthstone: October Astro Sign: Libra Blue Opal is an emotional soother that realigns to spiritual purpose. It resonates with the throat chakra and can enhance communication. |
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Blue Topaz
Birthstone: November Astro Sign: Sagittarius and Virgo Blue topaz aids in emotional balance and brings cooling, soothing, peace, and tranquility. |
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Blue Tourmaline
Birthstone: October Astro Sign: Libra and Taurus Blue Tourmaline activates the throat chakra and the third eye, strengthening the skills associated with communication and psychic awareness. It also facilitates access to higher levels of intuition. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Capricorn Aids in decision making, gives insight into what is truly needed and desired while dispelling what is not. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Sagittarius Assists in bringing new ideas to our humanity, allows one to see the positive side of things, and helps promote a happy and healthy home environment. |
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Astro Sign: Cancer Aids in amplifying or grounding energy as well as energy distributions. Facilitates healing and stimulates creativity. |
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Birthstone: September Astro Sign: Virgo, Taurus, Cancer and Leo Awakens one's inherent talents and produces inspiration from spiritual worlds. Protects against fear and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure. |
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Cat's Eye
Astro Sign: Capricorn, Taurus and Aries Bearer of good fortune. Encourages happiness, creativity and serenity. Provides protection to the wearer. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Aquarius Excellent for psychic healing and provides protection during healing process. Stimulates intuition and assists in the removal of negative thoughts and beliefs. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Gemini Promotes harmony, love, and serenity. Facilitates problem solving and comprehension. Enhances creative expression. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Virgo Excellent stone for travelling bringing comfort and familiarity where ever you may be. Encourages growth and eases your transition during times of change. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Cancer and Sagittarius Aids in balancing the energies of the mind, body and spirit. Promotes social harmony, alleviates hostility, irritability. Aids in depression and mental stability. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Capricorn Helps to enhance ones perception can remove energy blockages and open the crown chakra while cleansing at the same time. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius and Scorpio Helps one to appreciate the present moment and brings good to all aspects of life. Aids with transitions. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Sagitarius Dissipates anger, hostility, exasperation promotes protection and love and is also a favorable healing stone. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Leo Helps provide and increase in spirituality and personal power. Promotes the feeling of peace within ones self and forgiveness towards family members or friends that have performed an injustice to the stone bearer. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Gemini, Virgo and Taurus Aids and strengthens communication dispels emotional heartache and enhances the capacity for love. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Libra Aligns the chakras while balancing positive and negative energies. Promotes the ablility to love and aids in easing heartache. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Leo Cinnabar attracts abundance, increases persuasiveness and assertiveness in selling, and imparts fluency to the mind and speech. It can help one connect to the acceptance of everything being perfect exactly as it is. Cinnabar can also help release energy blockages and align energy centers. |
Chakras |
Birthstone: November Astro Sign: Gemini, Libra, Aries and Leo Assists in attracting wealth/abundance clears physical, mental and emotional bodies. Positive influence on business, family and education. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Libra Helps manifest desires and goals while giving them substance and divine purpose. Aids in relationships by helping one appreciate and understand personal differences. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Taurus Creates a sense of order in all aspects. Allows one to be independent but not detached from companionship. Helps one to be more aware in all relationships. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Gemini Helps align all chakras while removing energy blockages. Helps one maintain individuality while interacting in groups and society. |
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Astro Sign: Taurus and Sagittarius Copper is an excellent stone for aligning the physical and emotional bodies. A strong conductor of energy, Copper supplies powerful energy to the body, helping with detoxification and aiding metabolism. Copper is also said to help to raise self-esteem. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Pisces, Libra Encourages you in the expansion of your imagination while providing guidance in the art of visualization. Creates inner peace and balances the emotions. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Aries Cornetite promotes the understanding of Love and Forgiveness. It enables the user to move forward and progress through personal indecision. It activates the Throat Chakra aiding in matters of Communication and Creative expression. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Sagittarius Stimulates the third eye and initiates psychic power, enhances communication skills and stimulates a positive outlook. It assists in matters of birth and rebirth. |
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Astro Sign: Aries Crocoite relates to the navel chakra and can stimulate and enhance intuition, creativity, and sexuality. It is a transition stone, assisting with transition in a non-complex manner. It is used in treatment of disorders of the reproductive system. |
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Astro Sign: Leo Danburite encourages self-love and aids in personal reloationships. It activates and expands the intellect. |
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Dendritic (Quartz)
Astro Sign: Sagittarius Dendritic Quartz facilitates a harmonious relationship with Mother Earth and a connection with nature. It stimulates past life recall and is used to open and activate. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Virgo The motto fo Diopside is "Let go and Feel!" It gives the user permission to let go and cry, yell or even scream if that is what is needed. By allowing oneself to let go, the user asks for God and the Divine Universe to come in with loving, healing and healthful energy. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Sagittarius and Scorpio Promotes "living in the moment." Aids in problem solving and eliminates negative or oppressive feelings. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Leo Dumorterite is an excellent stone for patience. It eliminates stubbornness and assists in providing stamina. It also stimulates verbalization of spiritual ideas. |
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Astro Sign: Gemini Elestial Quartz can be used to stabilize brain wave frequencies and to ameliorate erratic and/or confused thoughts; it can further assist in producing an expanded state of awareness and an encouraging energy to speed one toward the light. It assists one in summoning vitality in order to produce advancement towards the eternal brilliance of the spiritual self. |
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Birthstone: May Astro Sign: Taurus, Gemini and Aries Emerald stimulates memory and facilitates decision making. It provides harmony and love, and promotes sensitivity and loyalty within one's self and others. |
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Astro Sign: Gemini Epidote amplifies perception while dispelling judgmental tendencies. It aids in supplementing personal power and promotes participation and interaction. |
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Astro Sign: Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus Erythrite can be useful in building a strong and flowing connection between all of the chakras, and can also bring harmony to communications. |
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Astro Sign: Virgo and Sagittarius Known as the Stone of Happiness, Euclase is said to promote joy, pride in accomplishment, and helping one to attain the "ultimate" in all areas. Euclase is also an excellent stone for enhancing communication, stimulating the heart, throat and crown chakras, and for enhancing creativity. |
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Astro Sign: Virgo Eudialyte facilitates ESP, and is used to open and activate the heart chakra. It promotes self-love. |
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Fire Agate
Astro Sign: Aries Fire Agate is a protective stone that dispells fear. It encourages one to desire only that which promotes the users highest interest, and facilitates positive action and personal progress. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Scorpio Flint helps improve psychic and intuitive abilities by harmonizing the etheric body with the physical body, balancing the chakras. It allows for the transference of ideas, information and emotions. Flint also relieves shyness and promotes intimate and personal experiences. |
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Astro Sign: Pisces and Capricorn Fluorite promotes objectivity, stabilizes energy and provides a deep sense of comfort and tranquility. The color of the stone resonates with the corresponding chakra. |
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Astro Sign: Virgo Fossils are said to be telepathic bridges of communication between present and past worls. Useful for instilling excellence and quality within one's environment, it can assist one in heightening accomplishments in business, dispensing with old programming and helping one to be more open to innovative forces. Treats physical disorders associated with the skeletal system, the hands and feet and with atrophy. |
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Fossil Shark's Tooth
Astro Sign: Virgo Fossil Sharks Tooth is used to enhance telepathic communication between this present reality and prior worlds. It helps dispense old programming and heighten accomplishments in business. |
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Astro Sign: Aquarius
Fuchsite accesses knowledge with great practical value. It helps the user to understand their interactions with other people and relate them to the basic concerns of life. |
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Astro Sign: Capricorn Galena provides emotional and mental grounding and stimulates thought processes while dispelling negativity. |
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Birthstone: January Astro Sign: Capricorn Garnet transmutes negative energy into positive energy. It promotes mental, physical and emotional stability. Garnet enhances the imagination and facilitates goal oriented victories. |
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Gem Silica
Gem Silica helps one to connect their feelings with the conscious mind, promoting better understanding and voicing the feelings of the heart. It also inspires creative expression in art, music, writing and speech. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Aries Goethite inspires pragmatism with imagination, bringing energy and rational thinking to pursuits of discovery. Grounding, and useful for individuals who feel out of place on earth. |
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Astro Sign: Leo Gold attracts happiness and wealth. It creates composure while alleviating stress and tension by encouraging positivity and love. |
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Astro Sign: Libra Goshenite encourages speaking truthfully and facilitates creativity and orginality. It helps one maintain self-control and composure through life's challenges and assists one to resonate with the higher aspects of their being. |
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Green Beryl
Astro Sign: Leo Green Beryl teaches one how to do only that which is in one's best interest. It aids in tuning into higher guidance concerning one's life path. Beryl opens and activates the crown and solar plexus chakras. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Leo Heliodor stimulates intellect and enhances personal power. It aids in exhibiting compassion and sympathy concerning delicate matters. |
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Astro Sign: Aries and Aquarius Hematite balances yin and yang energies. It helps dissolve negative energy, transforming it into a loving and positive energy. Encourages one to realize the self-impossed limitations of the ego and helps the user free themselves of the constraints of the mind. Known as a powerful grounding stone, and useful for any disorders of the blood or circulatory system. |
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Astro Sign: Libra Hemimorphite aids in eliminating self-centeredness while maintaining self esteem. It promotes self transformation and enhances creativity. |
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Astro Sign: Aries Herderite is an excellent stone for leadership. It promotes harmony and balance within groups and relationships. |
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Herkimer Diamond
Astro Sign: Sagittarius This variety fo Quartz energizes, enlivens and promotes creativity. It stimulates psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, spiritual vision, telepathy, linking into guidance from higher dimensions, and promotes dream recall and understanding. It is also said to assist in focus. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius Heulandite helps one to break away from distressing conditions, assisting in the release of feelings of jealousy, conceit, priviledge and condescension, replacing these feelings with the loving aspect of the perfect state of being. |
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Astro Sign: Scorpio Hiddenite helps stimulate the intellect and synthesizes energies to promote loving and healing thoughts and communication. Dissolves negativity and can be used to remove obstacles from ones path. Creates a relaxed state and brings forth the loving side of ones nature. |
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Astro Sign: Gemini Howlite helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger, and especially helps to absorb any enger directed at you. It is a stone for promoting patience and a sense of calm, and helps to reduce criticalness and selfishness. Howlite is an excellent stone for insomnia and meditation. |
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Astro Sign: Gemini Hydrozincite provides insight to the hidden turmoil within oneself and allows for free expression and for painless relief of confusion and strife. Helps one's "light to shine," has the capacity to open the chakras and assists in clearing and protecting a room or environment. It has also been useful to dispel the fear of water. |
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Inyoite is a powerful and transformative healing stone, said to activate and cleanse all chakras. |
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Astro Sign: Libra, Sagittarius and Taurus Iolite balances the yin and yang energies. It aids and guides on ones path of spiritual perfection. Iolite also helps in financial matters, managing money and eliminating debt |
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Astro Sign: Aries, Leo and Virgo Iron balances the emotional and mental bodies. Guides one on their journey of elevation past the ego and ideals of this dimension. A grounding element. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius and Aries Ivory helps eliminate anxiety, nervousness and sleeplessness while providing a feeling of calm, serenity and self-assurance. Helps guide and expand initiative. |
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Astro Sign: Gemini, Taurus and Libra Jade has been called the dream stone becasue it helps dream recall and provides guidance in divine interpretation of those dreams. It raises confidence and helps one to realize their true potential outside of this realm. A stone of strength, power and prosperity. |
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Astro Sign: Aries Jadeite assists in problem relationships, helping one to understand and communicate with loved ones. Soothes and calms muscle aches and cramping. Jadeite is a stone of strength, power and prosperity. |
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Astro Sign: All Jasper provides protection and grounds energies and the body, it is supportive during times of stress and imparts determination and courage. It aids in balancing the yin and yang energies, allowing for energy yo flow freely without obstruction. Jasper gives a gentle reminder to the user that the only purpose of this life is to aid and assist others on the path of higher love and light. A powerful healer, Jasper's main impact is on the physical body strengthening the liver, gallbladder and bladded. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Scorpio Helps one realize the importance of this lifetime by cutting through the illusion and suggestion of this dimension. Aids in the realization that this lifetime should be lived as though it were the last- that each moment is precious and important, encouraging the user to stay in the present and to understand that being in the human form means the task here on earth has yet to be completed. |
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Astro Sign: Scorpio, Taurus and Leo Kunzite dissolves negativity and amplifies loving and soothing thoughts and communication. It also amplifies sensuality and sensitivity. |
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Astro Sign: Taurus, Libra and Aries Kyanite strengthens creative expression while enhancing communication. It helps usres achieve states of truth, loyalty, serenity and reliability. Facilitates meditation while aligning all chakras. Kyanite is said to not retain negative energy. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius, Scorpio and Leo Labradorite can help tap into the future and ancient memories related to one's personal growth. It assists in communication with the higher self, and is protective to the aura. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius and Pisces Lapis stimulates psychic and intuitive awareness, provides clarity, objectivity, and mental endurance. It can help overcome depression and enhance self-acceptance and serenity. Lapis also serves to shield and build up the aura. |
Chakras |
Astro Sign: Leo Larimar cuts through the illusion and suggestion of the ego and society. Discourages acts of jealousy while promoting actions of love and spiritual attunement. Helps one to see their path more clearly and realize that the only truth is that of the highest. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius and Pisces Lazurite promotes tranquility and the ability to use your intuition. It promotes psychic contact with ones spiritual guides, and enhances the ability to use thought transference. Lazurite also assists with problem-solving in the dream state and in the state of conscious awareness. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius Lepidocrocite stimulates clear thinking, cutting through distractions and confusion. It helps the user realize that the true growth comes only from choosing the highest love and integrity. Helps lessen negative thinking. |
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Astro Sign: Libra Lepidolite promotes self love, honesty and openness. A natural source of lithium, Lepidolite reducess stress and tension. It is also a good mineral during times of change, allowing for smooth transitions. Lepidolite can be used to locate energy blockages when placed on the body. |
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Astro Sign: Aries Magnesite provides for the fruition of unrecognized thoughts and ideas and can assist in visualization and imagery, promoting dynamic ideas. It instills peace during meditation and helps to eliminate self-deceit. Magnesite brings grounding to the intellect, helps to open the crown chakra, and can be used to enhance the purification of the cells. |
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Astro Sign: Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius and Virgo Naturally magnetic, Magnetite can be used to draw things forth such as love, mental clarity and endurance. It can also be used to repel anger, fear, stress and negativity. Magnetite has strong grounding qualities and helps reconnect us with the earth. |
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Astro Sign: Capricorn and Scorpio Malachite stimulates intuitive and instinctive reasoning. It equalizes and balances, creating an unobstructed path that leads to a desired goal. Malachite is known for its healing and clearing properties, especially for clearing the users field. It is also a strong heart chakra stone, and has been used as a protective talisman in many traditions. |
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Astro Sign: Scorpio Manganese is a strong grounding mineral. It helps balance the emotions, enhances creativity and positive being. It can also aid in relationships by removing emotional obstacles and bringing people closer together.
Astro Sign: Cancer Marble provides clarity and enhances meditation as well as dream recall. It helps self-control, mastery of thought and personal will power.
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Melanite Garnet
Birthstone: January Astro Sign: Capricorn Dispels anger, negativity, jealousy and resentment. Enhances relationships by bringing forth love without judgment or expectation. |
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Excellent stone for travelers, helping one become familiar and comfortable with new environments. Is said to store information from other dimensions. |
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Astro Sign: Aquarius and Leo Mica eliminates anger and nervous stress, bringing flexibility at all levels of being. It also disperses insecurity, self-doubt, and clumsiness and encourages self-reflection. |
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Astro Sign: Scorpio Moldavite moves one beyond the mirage of life into the image of eternity, giving the vision and energy to translate the image into reality. |
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Birthstone: June Astro Sign: Gemini, Cancer, Libra and Scorpio Moonstone cleanses negativity from chakras, brings out the feminine aspects of one's nature while providing spiritual nourishment. cardinal feminine energy stone. |
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Astro Sign: Libra Morganite assists in introducing and acting out love of one's life. One of the highest vibration stones for opening the heart chakra. |
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Astro Sign: Leo Muscovite stimulates the heart chakra and allows the layers of insecurities and uncertainties to disperse. It can be used to lessen self-doubt, activate awareness of the higher self, and assist in self-reflection on all levels. |
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Obsidian grounds spiritual energy into the physical plane and absorbs and disperses negativity. It is an exellent clearing stone, and is said to reduce stress. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius and Virgo Okenite promotes self-forgiveness and the painless completion of and total healing of one's karmic cycle. It facilitates deep karmic healing on all levels and purifies the chakras as well as the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual bodies. Okenite can help prepare one for channeling and can assist one in maintaining truthfulness and insulating one from the harshness of truthfulness. |
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Birthstone: August Astro Sign: Leo Onyx aids in alleviating grief, stimulating happiness and bringing good fortune. It helps to enhance self-control and smart decision making. Tune intuition while cleansing ones receptive powers in order to have a clearer connection to the universe. Color of stone corresponds to chakra color. |
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Birthstone: October Astro Sign: Cancer, Libra, Pisces and Scorpio Enhances creativity whiel providing inspiration and imagination. Stimulates the release of inhibitions and allows personal aspirations to surface. Represents and helps maintain love and loyalty.
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Orbicular/Ocean (Jasper)
Astro Sign: Capricorn Provides protection against negativity, releases bonds of restraint as well as aiding in the acceptance of responsibility and the teaching of patience. |
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Astro Sign: Capricorn Orpiment stimulates the intellect, and cleanses and activates the solar plexus and naval chakras. |
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Birthstone: June Astro Sign: Gemini Pearl represents innocence, faith and charity. It inhibits illicit behavior and aids in maintaining personal integrity. |
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Birthstone: August Astro Sign: Virgo, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius Peridot inspires happiness within and aids in diffusing anger and jealousy, bringing openness and acceptance. |
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Phantom Quartz
Phantom Quartz facilitates an understanding of ones inner stageof growth, and assist in accesssing past life memories. |
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Astro Sign: Gemini Phenakite is highly stimulating to the third eye and facilitates deep meditation. An excellent stone for healing, the application of Phenakite to any chakra produces expedient clearing, cleansing and activation. |
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Astro Sign: Leo Pietersite grounds the physical body with the etheric body and helps to dispel the illusion of the physical world, allowing the user to experience the perfect love of the divine. Guides and supports the user when realizing the beauty of the soul while recognizing the divine light and love of the universe. |
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Astro Sign: Leo Plancheite promotes strength and courage, offering protection from hostile energy and assisting one to endure stressful situations. It is also said to assist intellectually in processing and retaining large amounts of information. |
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Astro Sign: Libra Prehnite is a stone for dreaming and remembering. It advances meditation, and prediction, and it gently opens the heart center. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius Psilomelane can help one to realize patterns of behavior and emotional states that are unrecognized and unwanted. Aids in correcting unloving emotions, reactions and behaviors. |
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Astro Sign: Leo Pyrite aids in the attainment of physical perfection, stimulates intellect by providing information recall and provides physical and spiritual perfection. A good stone for analytic thinking, problem solving, business and abundance. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius, Aries and Leo Pyromorphite helps in discharging toxic substances and aids in digestion and assimilation. Energetically, Pyromorphite stimulates personal energy and brings freshness in attitude and direction. |
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Astro Sign: All
Quartz receives, activates, stores, transmits and amplifies energy. Activates all levels of consciousness and dispels negativity. |
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Astro Sign: Scorpio and Leo This potent heart chakra stone provides love and balance and transmutes tendencies toward denial or avoidance whil encouraging acceptance. |
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Astro Sign: Leo Rhodolite assists in the illumination of intuition, and can initiate the rise of Kundalini. It also supports the movement of the Kundalini energy through the chakras. Rhodolite is an excellent stabilizer stimulating calm assurance throughout the physical, emotional and ethereal bodies.
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Astro Sign: Taurus, Sagittarius and Leo Energizes heart chakra, reduces stress and anxiety. Enhances self esteem abd confidence. |
Astro Sign: Sagittarius and Aquarius rings the unresolved to completion. Helps one to learn to enjoy the vast potential of the self. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius Richterite can be used to balance the emotions and to alleviate fear. It also furthers the calmness of actions, and is useful for astral travel. |
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Rose Quartz
Astro Sign: Taurus and Libra Rose Quartz is a powerful and gentle heart healer. It enhances confidence, creativity and compassion, amplifies love and aids in forgiveness. |
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Birthstone: July Astro Sign: Cancer, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius Promotes spiritual wisdom, knowledge, health, wealth and knowledge. Aids in economical stability, physical prowess, strength and passion. |
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Astro Sign: Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Gemini Ruby promotes spiritual wisdom, knowledge, health, wealth and knowledge. Aids in economical stability and transforms negative energy into positive. |
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Rutilated Quartz
Astro Sign: Leo Rutilated Quartz increases life force, stimulates brain function and transmutes negativity. The addition of Rutile further increases the qualities of energy direction and amplification of Quartz. It also posesses all the qualities of Rutile. |
Astro Sign: Gemini and Taurus Heals and balances the aura by repelling negative energy. Blocks interference, removes energetic blockages and amplifies the qualities of other stones. |
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Birthstone: September Astro Sign: Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius Sapphire brings joy and peace of mind, elimates frustration, enhances intuition, and creative expression and increases connection with your hiogher self. Sapphire is a stone for power and leadership, and also aids in meditation and spiritual work. The color of the stone will resonate with the corresponding chakra. |
Astro Sign: Aries Sardonyx promotes courage, integrity and virtue. It also strengthens willpower and self-control. It is said to attract good fortune and friendship along with bringing harmony and balance to marriages and partnerships. |
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Astro Sign: Taurus and Virgo Scapolite is a stone of structure and discipline, encouraging independence and initiative in one's life and assisting one to reach their goals. Scapolite comes in many colors and the particular stone will resonate with the corresponding chakra. |
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Astro Sign: Libra Scheelite is an excellent stone for aligning the seven chakras and for organizing the inner self, promoting integration of the personality with the higher self. |
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Astro Sign: Capricorn Scolecite supports the transformation of the heart to love. It further enables one to exhibit control of ones life, promoting the actualization of the preferred reality. Particularly useful in activating the brow and crown chakras and in increasing access to ones higher self.
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Astro Sign: Taurus Selenite helps one to achieve clarity of mind, aiding in concentration and assisting with judgement and insight. An excellent stone for instilling deep peace, Selenite aids meditation and spiritual work, opening the crown chakra and anchoring the light body to the earth vibration. Selenite is a very powerful clearing stone, ideal for keeping spaces free of negative energies, and useful in clearing unwanted energy from other stones. |
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Astro Sign: Gemini Assists in clearing clouded areas of the chakras. Stimulates movement of kundalini energy and helps to lessen the discomfort associated with this rising. Enhances meditative states and energizes the heart center. |
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Astro Sign: Aquarius and Sagittarius Shattuckite stimulates and energizes the throat chakra and third eye. Intuitive powers are strengthened with this stone and communication with higher dimensions and extraterrestrial worlds is enhanced. Shattuckite can be helpful in channeling and with psychic visions. |
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Astro Sign: Pisces and Virgo Smithsonite enhances leadership qualities and mental alertness, and provides tranquility in stressful situations. |
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Smokey Quartz
Astro Sign: Capricorn and Sagittarius Smokey Quartz helps dissolve negative energies, clears emotional blockages and provides grounding and protective energy. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius Soapstone encourages the user to break free from old routines thereby creating positive changes and instilling confidence. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius Helps to eliminate confusion, providing direction of purpose with lightness of heart. Facilitates qualities of companionship and encourages self-esteem |
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Astro Sign: Gemini phalerite balances both the male and female aspects of the personality. Promotes recognition of treachery and deceit, and encourages one to "be ones own psychic." |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius Sphene is a mineral used to promote contact with the heavenly bodies within this universe. It is a calming agent and stimulating to the chakras. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius and Aries Spinel stimulates the Kundalini energy, opening up all the chakras. It encourages rejuvenation, success, and positivity. |
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Star Diopside
Astro Sign: Virgo Star Diopside enhances academic learning and couples the practical side of ones nature to both the sciences and arts. It helps one to wield pride objectively. It can be used in treatment of physical weakness and in psychological disorders. Stimulates the intellect. |
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Astro Sign: Pisces Symbol of good luck. Helps reduce stress and depression. Grounding. |
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Astro Sign: Scorpio and Capricorn Stibinite helps facilitate meditative states and is a strong protector of the physical body. It stimulates endurance and positive relationships. |
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Astro Sign: Aries Provides grounding and centering energy, enhances creativity and the connection to the divine. |
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Astro Sign: Virgo Enhances self-esteem. eliminates hostility and promotes peace and relaxation during meditation. Helps to connect the crown and heart chakras. |
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Astro Sign: Leo Sulphur has a negative electrical charge and is extremely useful for absorbing negative energies, emanations and emotions. Placed in the environment, it absorbs negativity of any kind and removes barriers to progress. |
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Astro Sign: Libra, Scorpio and Leo Sunstone is a joyful and light inspiring stone. It instills good nature and heightens intuition. This is an alchemical stone that brings about a profound connection to light and the regenerative power of the sun during meditation and in everyday life. |
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Tangerine Quartz
Astro Sign: Leo and Libra Tangerine Quartz activates and harmonizes the sacral chakra, stimulating flow of creative energy. It can take you beyond your limited belief system and into a more positive vibrations.
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Birthstone: December Astro Sign: Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra Eliminates self limiting thought or concepts. Aids in communication and enhances vision. A powefully spiritual and heart-opening stone. |
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Astro Sign: Gemini Thomsonite promotes a strong connection between the physical and ethereal bodies, producing a stable connection between the emotional and intellectual bodies, allowing for action with one main body. It encourages expansion in all areas, promoting the wisdom and intelligence needed in the alleviation of the blockages in one's life. Thomsonite can be used in the treatment of high body temperatures, oral fungus, dysfunctional connective tissue, and cysts and can stimulate the thymus and increase youthfulness. |
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Astro Sign: Gemini, Capricorn Said to be the ultimate stone for courage and maintaining willpower. Combines sharpness and grounding, encouraging stability and dynamic beauty. Can bring brightness and optimism. |
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Astro Sign: Leo Assists in creative endeavors prompting the artistic abilities toward wondrous beauty. Also stimulates physical vitality. |
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Birthstone: November Astro Sign: Scorpio A gentle stone, Topaz provides emotional balance, attracts abundance and enhances creativity and self-expression. |
Birthstone: October Astro Sign: Libra Tourmaline comes in every color of the rainbow as well as black and colorless. One of the best transmitters of energy, it also assist energy flow through all chakras. Generally thought of as a heart-opening and protection stone, each color will also work with the corresponding color chakra. |
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Tourmaline (Bi-Color)
Birthstone: October Astro Sign: Gemini These colors work to stimulate corresponding chakras. Helps to align the flow of energy between the chakras. |
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Tourmaline (Green/Elbaite)
Birthstone: October Astro Sign: Libra, Capricorn Assists in learning to perceive the world through the heart chakra. Helps direct masculine energy with love and compassion. Also believed to attract abundance. |
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Tourmaline (Pink-Red/Rubellite)
Birthstone: October Astro Sign: Libra, Sagittarius and Scorpio Used to open the heart and allow one to give and receive love freely both to one's self and to others. Helps connect root chakra with the heart. |
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Tourmaline (Watermelon)
Birthstone: October Astro Sign: Libra and Gemini A crystal with a core of pink and a rind of green. Not the same as a color banded crystal (bi-color). The combined energy of feminine and masculine for heart chakra super activation to balance, energize and lighten ones outlook. |
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Tourmaline (Yellow)
Birthstone: October Astro Sign: Libra and Leo Works with the solar plexus to build courage and strength. Helps in initiating action. Good for career or business. |
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Tsavorite (Garnet)
Birthstone: January Astro Sign: Capricorn and Sagittarius Stimulates inner knowledge, facilitates connection to and enhanced channeling with the spirit world, assists with making psychic connections. |
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Birthstone: December Astro Sign: Sagittarius, Pisces and Scorpio Turquoise is the stone of friendship and loyalty. It activates the Throat Chakra aiding in matters of communication and creative expression. |
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Astro Sign: Virgo During meditation, Vanadinite can be used as a vehicle of emptiness, or as a vehicle to further the psychic process and to provide visions with respect to pre-defined questions. It promotes order in one's life. It promotes a clear center, from the crown to the root chakra stimulating the remainder of the chakras. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius and Capricorn A highly energetic stone, Vesuvianite assists in manifesting one's hearts desires by clearing negative patterns from the mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Assists in developing one's ability to effectively use the mind and body in service of Spirit. Affects chakras according to color. |
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Astro Sign: Capricorn Vivianite conveys both love and inspiration for life. It produces a glowing and pulsating beauty to the user. It is a stone for goal-setting and for attainment of the same. |
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Astro Sign: Sagittarius Helps one to focus on the positive. assists one to integrate the shadow energies allowing one to move beyond the duality of "positive" and "negative." It is said to access the past, present and future and to aid in communication with those states. Also facilitates contact and communion with the spiritual world. |
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Astro Sign: Libra and Taurus Enhances personal power, physical energy and creativity. |
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Astro Sign: Virgo, Leo and Sagittarius Zircon enhances intuition and guides the user to reach higher levels of healing and awareness in the Divine Universe. Zircon is a stone of commitment and virtue |
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